Welcome to the on-line photo database for Primo Ponies Photography. We
specialize in Equestrian Photography, including Vaulting, Dressage, Eventing,
Jumping, and Inspections.
We are proud to offer "Digital Freedom™": an exclusive combination of on-site
digital photo printing, and on-line archival access.
NEW! Pay on-site or on-line using your Visa/MasterCard using PayPal Donations. You do not need a PayPal
account. Simply use the Donate button below, and enter the amount to send...
Photo Inset: Sharon Waite driving Belle at the 2003 Western States Horse
Expo. You can find this picture and many others published in the October
2003 issue of "Ride!"

How Our "Digital Freedom™" Service Works:
- Contact Primo Ponies Photography to schedule your event. We
specialize in Equine Photography, particularly Dressage, Vaulting, and Inspections.
- Entrants at each event should sign up to guarantee that we are able to
capture the specific ride or showing.
- Our Professional Photographers will capture your class with our
state-of-the-art 6-10 MP Digital SLR equipment. We generally capture between
10-30 photos of each ride or showing. Schedule permitting, we sometimes
will capture additional classes. If you forgot to reserve your class,
please check with us to see if your class was captured.
- Entrants can review their photo's shortly following their class, and can
order high quality true dye-sublimation photographs which are produced at the
event. Each photograph is custom cropped and adjusted for optimal color
balance. Photo printed on-site are available in multiple sizes up to
8x10". Larger sizes can be printed off-site and mailed to you (see
list for details on standard sizes).
- You may add a CD-ROM to any print order for an additional $25. A CD-ROM containing up to 35 photos of a single horse/event can be purchased for $70.
- Digital Photographs from each event we service will be available on-line
shortly following the event. You can order any number of re-prints, a
CD-ROM, or have individual jpeg files emailed directly to you. Please
allow 4 weeks for processing off-site prints.
We believe that you should be able to use your photographs for personal use,
including the personal promotion or sale of the subject of the photo. This
right is included in the fees you pay for access to the photo. All we ask
in return is that the photographs are attributed with "Primo Ponies
Photography." This includes web posting, sales posters or brochures,
and/or magazine/news articles. Primo Ponies Photography retains exclusive
rights to sales of the images. For commercial use of our photographs,
please contact Primo Ponies Photography for terms.
NOTE: All digital images are provided to assist you with web posting,
emailing, etc. and are not intended for printing. All images are
copyrighted, and most reputable photo finishing services will not create prints
from these files. Our printers use Dye Sublimation technology and are
higher quality than you'd get from a one-hour finishing service, and will last
for generations.

Contact Information:
- Telephone
- 530-621-4911
- 530-621-4911
- Postal address
- 4808 E. China Hill Rd.
- El Dorado, CA 95623
- Electronic mail
- General Information: eej@primoponies.com
Webmaster: admin@primoponies.com